17. Dec 2018. Navigation, News

Waste management plan for JP „Kovinski komunalac“ was submitted

On December, the 14th 2018 Waste management plan for JP „Kovinski komunalac“ was made because according to the Law on waste management („Off. Gazzete of RS”, nos. 36/09, 88/10 and 14/16) an obligation for the companies is defined to make a Waste management plan if annually produces more than 100 tons of non-hazardous waste or more than 200 kilograms hazardous waste and to review it every three years.

Strategy of JP “Kovinski komunalac” Kovin is to establish integrated waste management, where attention is given to respecting the legislation, prevention, minimization, collecting, sorting, evidenting, storing, controlled movement and giving the waste for treatment or disposal, when it is not possible to reuse, recycle or use waste to obtain energy. Having in mind types of waste that are generated, JP “Kovinski Komunalac” uses an option of waste disposal via authorized operators.

A very important element of Waste management Strategy JP “Kovinski komunalac” is the development of employee awareness, their continuous improvement and inclusion in the improvement of waste management.