17. Jan 2024. News

Action plan for gradually achieving the limit values for the emission of pollutants in water for the snack factory “Chips Way” ltd.

The professional team of the company “Aurora Green” ltd. has developed an Action Plan for gradually achieving the limit values for the emission of pollutants into water for a recognizable company engaged in the production of snack products (potato chips, flips, popcorn) – “Chips Way” ltd.
This document provides an overview of the current regulations in the field of water protection relevant to the operation of the “Chips Way” factory, as well as an overview of the current state of wastewater quality at the factory location. Additionally, the document defines measures aimed at aligning the values of pollutant emissions into water with the limit values prescribed by the Regulation on limit values for the emission of pollutants into water and deadlines for their achievement (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 67/11, 48/12, and 1/16).