18. Jan 2016. Navigation, News

The February edition of the Handbook for Waste Management

Expert team of Aurora Green Ltd. headed by director Zorica Isoski participated in preparation of February edition of the Handbook for Waste Management, issued by the company Forum Media Ltd. Belgrade. In accordance with the Regulation on amendments to the Rulebook on the forms of daily records and annual reports on waste with instructions for its completion  (“RS Official Gazette”, No. 95/10 and no. 88/15), the expert team of Aurora Green Ltd. gave a clarification regarding the new obligation of keeping daily records and annual reports on waste collectors and other waste holders and Guide through NRIZ application on daily records of waste collectors and other waste holders (PART 6).

Februarskog izdanja Priručnika za upravljanje otpadom

More information about the Handbook and order form can be found at the following web address:
