1.07.2016. – consortium of agencies ‘ECO ENERGY ENGINEERING & CONSULTING’ and Aurora Green ltd. signed a Contract with Meggle Serbia ltd. for providing a service of making Action Plan for gradual reduction of emissions of certain polluting substances in water.
In accordance with the Decree on limit values for emissions of pollutants in water and deadlines for their achievement (“Off. Gazette of RS”, No. 67/2011, 48/2012 and 1/2016), the legal entity or entrepreneur who have a facility for wastewater treatment and / or which their wastewater discharge into the recipient or the public sewerage system, are obliged to harmonize their values for emissions of pollutants in water with pollutants emissions limit values prescribed by the Decree no later than 31st December, 2025.
In accordance with the above mentioned Decree, the Action Plan must be adopted within six months from the date of entry into force of the Decree, i.e. until 14th July 2016. (Amendments to the Decree are published in “Off. Gazette of RS” no. 1/2016 of 6th January, 2016 and the same came into force on 14th January, 2016). Legal entity and / or entrepreneur are obliged to submit a Report on the implementation of the Action Plan to the ministries responsible for environmental protection and water management, every two years from the date of adoption of the Action Plan.