Team of experts of company “Aurora green” ltd have written a Contractor’s Environment Protection Plan Project of the heavy maintenance of the state road IB 21 section: Ivanjica – Sjenica, from km 288+208,660 to km 309+123,689, l=20,9 km for the EK-PET INSAAT SANAYI TAAHHUT VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI branch Beograd-Savski Venac.
The Contractor’s Environment Protection Plan (CEPP) is a key document on the management of environmental impacts that arise during the implementation of the heavy maintenance (road rehabilitation upgrading) of the state road IB 21 Section: Ivanjica – Sjenica from km 288+208.650 to km 309+123.689, L=20,915 km). The mentioned plan conteins of Construction site management plan, Construction site organization plan, Oil, fuel and other hazardous materials storage management plan, Waste management plan, Sewerage and wastewater management plan, Soil management plan, Environmental noise reduction plan, Dust emission reduction plan, Plan which indicates the location of the proposed borrowings, River works management plan, Emergency and accidental situation response plan, Plan of environmental grievances (grievance mechanisms and organization). The document also contains Mitigation Plan and Monitoring Plan.