Bearing in mind that according to Article 54 of the Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/2009, 88/2010 and 14/2016 and 95/2018 – other Law) public utility company (PUC), which manage non-sanitary landfill – municipal waste dumps has the obligation to develop a Plan for adaptation of the non-sanitary landfill and to submit to the competent authority for approval, PUC “Vrela” has engaged company “Aurora green” d.o.o. to develope this document.
After reviewing and analyzing the complete documentation, working meetings with representatives from the PUC “Vrela” and field visit to the location of non-sanitary landfill in the municipality of Sjenica, the consultants of our company started developing the Plan for adaptation of the non-sanitary landfill „Goveđak“.
On 9th of Jun, to our client PUC „Vrela“ the final version of the Plan for adaptation of the non-sanitary landfill „Goveđak“ has been submitted, after that the Request for approval was submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection.