15. Nov 2016. Navigation, News

New by-laws in the field of water protection

On December 10th 2016. Aurora Green representatives have attended the convention

“New by-laws in the field of water protection”,

organized jointly by the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and Ministry for agriculture and environmental protection, Department for water protection. Focus of the discussion was on the Rulebook on the Manner and Conditions of Measurement and Testing of wastewater quality that has been adopted this year and will face full obligatory implementation starting 01.07.2017., while new Law on waters is also announced for 2017.

For years, Aurora Green has been cooperation with operators, as well as laboratories for measuring wastewater quality; therefore we have highlighted main messages from the convention for our loyal and potential clients:

-Deadline for meeting the limit values according to the Decree on limit values ​​for emissions of pollutants in water and deadlines for their achievement, is 2025 for existing facilities, while new facilities need to be obeying to these limit values as of now.

-„Limit values CAN NOT be reached by dilution”, new Rulebook foresees measurement of quantities of waste materials before and after wastewater treatment, and before discharging wastewater to the final recipient it requires separation of wastewater to be conducted by the operator.

-Announced amendments to the Rulebook on the Manner and Conditions of Measurement and Testing of wastewater quality, will allow accredited laboratories to measure wastewater quality, aside from standardized methods, also using other accredited/certified methods approved by the Standardization body of Republic of Serbia.

-“Control of wastewater can improve production processes”, professor Dr. Božo Dalmacija accentuated the importance of quality monitoring in order to detect flaws and malfunctions in production in a timely manner, while benefits for operators also include potential for further use of wastewater (bio-fuel for example).

-Audience has been introduced to the National register for pollution sources, as well as the procedure of reporting and data entry rules. The application is available on the following link.

-“We do not have rivers, but rather wastewater collectors”, hence the implementation of the legislation a priority.

For advisory services in the field of wastewater management, development of action plans for achieving the limit values, assistance in obtaining documentation and permits, you can send us an inquiry to info@auroragreen.rs or contact us directly.