05. Oct 2018. Navigation, News

September 2018 – Signed contract with the city of Smederevo

Group of bidders Aurora Green ltd. and Beohidro ltd. from Belgrade signed a contract with the city of Smederevo for the making Energy Efficiency Plan for the City of Smederevo. Basic elements that this Program must contain for the units of local self-government (ULSG) are issued by the article 10. of the Law on Efficient Use of Energy.

Energy Efficiency Plan for the City of Smederevo will contain as follows:

  1. Scope
  2. Introduction
  3. Basic information about the ULSG
  4. Description of applied methodologies
  5. Review and assessment of annual energy needs of ULSG (energy balance)
  6. Analysis of the state of energy consumption in ULSG
  7. Suggestion of measures and activities for efficient usage of energy
  8. Energy saving calculation
  9. The manner of monitoring the implementation of the Program
  10. Sources of financing and financial mechanisms for the implementation of measures
  11. Report about the implementation of Program in the previous period and
  12. Conclusion.