15. Aug 2022. News, Upravljanje otpadom

Registration procedure for traders and intermediaries in the field of waste management

“Aurora green” ltd in the previous period, for several clients, has prepared request
and other documentation on the basis of which the registration was made in the register of
waste traders and intermediaries in the field of waste management.
In accordance with the Law on Waste Management, a trader is any legal entity or
entrepreneur who buys and sells waste on his own behalf, including a trader who does not
take possession of the waste. The activity of intermediation in waste management includes the
tasks of organization of treatment, i.e. reuse and disposal of waste, i.e. mediation in the
transfer of rights and obligations related to waste for the needs of others. The Ministry issues
a decision on the entry of an intermediary or trader in the register, if the intermediary or trader
meets the conditions. The decision on entry into the register is issued for a period of five