22. Feb 2024. EIA, News

The environmental impact assessment study of the project “Construction and equipping of wells B-9/1 and B-11/1, with a pipeline for connecting the well to the existing water source network” was adopted.

On Tuesday 20.02.2024. in the premises of the municipal administration of Apatina, a public presentation of the study on environmental impact assessment of the construction project “Construction and equipping of wells B-9/1 and B-11/1, with a pipeline for connecting the well to the existing water supply network of the source, at c.p. no. 660/2 and 660/1 CM Apatin on the territory of the municipality of Apatin”, which was prepared by our team of experts.

The team of experts “Aurora Green” d.o.o. to the present representatives of the municipality of Apatin and the interested public, he presented in detail the current state of the environment in the narrower and wider location, the impact of the project in question and the environmental protection measures prescribed by the study.

For the project in question, the Technical Commission submitted a report with a positive assessment of the Study, and the Competent Authority issued a Decision on giving consent to the impact assessment study.