17. Dec 2024. EIA, News

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the construction of a facility for the storage and treatment of non-hazardous waste on cadastral plot number 1746, KO Zemun Polje, has been adopted

On Thursday, October 31, 2024, a public presentation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the construction of a facility for the storage and treatment of non-hazardous waste on cadastral plot number 1746, KO Zemun Polje, was held at the premises of the Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade. This study was prepared by our team of experts on behalf of the client “Hamburger Recycling Serbia” ltd.

The expert team “Aurora Green” ltd. provided a detailed presentation to the representatives of the Secretariat and the interested public, covering the current state of the environment at both the immediate and broader locations, the impact of the proposed project, and the environmental protection measures prescribed in the study.

For the proposed project, the Technical Commission submitted a report with a positive evaluation of the study, and the Competent Authority issued a Decision granting consent to the impact assessment study on December 10, 2024.