Waste Management Permits

“For all facilities that deal in waste management and need to obtain the integrated permit or permit for waste management, the preparation of working waste management plan implies“ (Article 16 of the Law on Waste Management, Official. Gazette of RS, no. 36/09, 88/10, 14/16 and 95/18 – other law).


Operators in storage facilities, treatment and waste management need to submit an application and the required documentation to the relevant authority so that they could be issued a permit. Waste storage and/or transport permit will be issued to a person licensed for waste storage or transport, as defined in regulations dealing with waste transportation in public transport system, or a local transporter in accordance with regulations dealing with international public transport.


The Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette RS“, no. 36/09, 88/10 and 14/16) regulate the principles and objectives of waste management, documents and permits, competences, responsibilities and obligations.

Individuals and legal entities, whose activity have been identified in the Law on Waste Management, have an obligation to obtain PERMIT (Article 59), namely:

Permit for collection of waste;
Permit for transport of waste ;
Permit for waste treatment;

-Permit for storing of waste;
-Permit for reusing of waste;
-Permit for waste disposal.

The application of permits for the collection and transportation of non-hazardous waste shall contain following:

Data about applicant,
Certificate on registration,
Data about the type of waste,
Data about the location and the equipment for waste collection,
Data about the means of transportation which will be used,
Additional data, information or documentation required by the competent permitting authority.

For the purpose of obtaining of the permit for the collection and transportation of non-hazardous waste on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the following documentation is required:

1. Certificate on registration issued by the Business Register Agency (not older than six months),
2. Memorandum of Association,
3. Data about the applicant, type and quantity of waste, collection equipment and transport vehicles,
4. Copies of vehicle registration and data for all vehicles used by the operator in the waste transportation process,
5. Information on the equipment which will be used for waste collection,
6. Contracts with waste generators,
7. Public Transport Cargo License,
8. Proof of payment of the appropriate administrative fees (the investor bears the cost of payment for the administrative fees).

The application of permits for treatment of non-hazardous waste shall contain following:

• Certificate on registration;
• The application for permit for storage of non-hazardous waste;
• Operational plan for the waste management facility; This operational plan shall include the following elements:

o Location description
o Location infrastructure
o The type and quantities of waste that is the subject of the operator’s activity
o Working procedures
o Facilities equipment description for preventing and controlling environmental pollution and o public health hazardous
o Pollution control and monitoring
o Location documentation

• Fire protection rules and approval of the training program for employees in the field of fire protection, in accordance with the Law;
• Plan for closure of the facility;
• Statement containing methods of waste treatment and/or recovery or disposal;
• Statement containing methods of treatment and/or recovery and disposal of residue from the facility;
• Data about the qualified person responsible for professional activities of waste management at the storage / treatment plant for hazardous / non-hazardous waste;
• Approval of an Environmental Impact Assessment, or Environmental Impact Assessment for the current situation, in compliance with the Law; or approval obtained from competent authorities that there is no need for the Environmental Impact Assessment;
• Copies of approvals and consents obtained from other competent authorities, issued in compliance with the Law;
• Financial and other guarantees or appropriate insurance in case of an accident or damages made to third parties;
• Proof for payment of an appropriate administrative fee.