The Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of the RS” No. 36/2009, 88/2010, 14/2016 and 95/18 – other law) defines a number of provisions governing the principles and objectives of waste management, documents, competences and responsibilities in this regard.
A waste producer that generates more than 100 tonnes of non-hazardous waste and / or more than 200 kilograms of hazardous waste annually is required to develop a waste management plan; ensure the application of the principles of the waste management hierarchy; collects waste separately in accordance with the need for future treatment; stores waste in a way that minimally affects human health and the environment; hand over the waste to the authorized individual for waste management if he is unable to organize the waste management in accordance with this Law; keep records of waste generated, delivered or disposed of; designate the person responsible for waste management; enable the competent inspector to control the locations, facilities and documentation.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 3, the Law on Waste Management is obliged to Waste Management Plans (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 36 / 2009,88 / 10, 14/16 and 95/18 – other law) updated every three years.
During the development of the Waste Management Plan, with an agreement with the responsible persons of your company, we will help you determine the person to respond to waste management. The person responsible for waste management is designated in accordance with Article 26 of the Law on Waste Management. The person responsible for waste management would be involved in front of the company throughout the process of developing a waste management plan and maintaining contacts, with the preparation and submission of the necessary information by “Aurora green” ltd.
“Aurora green” ltd. consultants will be responsible for waste management and other persons who perform their activities generate or otherwise manage waste, during the preparation of the Plan, provide all necessary information and obligatory waste producers.
In accordance with your needs, or the needs of your company, waste management training can be organized during the project. The training is organized for the person responsible for waste management and all other persons who are selected to have adequate knowledge and skills in waste management.
In accordance with the Law, we will develop a Waste Management Plan for you through: