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03. Mar 2022. Izveštavanje, News


We inform all interested parties that we provide for you services of registration and application for the National and Local Register of pollution sources, as well as prepare of:

The annual report on balance sheets of emissions of pollutants in water, air and land according to the Rulebook on the methodology for the preparation of the national and local pollutant source registry, as well as the methodology for the types, manner and deadlines for data collection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 91/10, 10/13 and 98/16);

–  The annual report on waste according to the Low on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/09, 88/10, 14/16 and 95/18 – other law) and the Rulebook on the forms of daily records and annual reports on waste with instructions to complete it (“Official Gazette of RS”, No.7/20 and 79/21);

–  The annual report on the products that after use become special wastes (PTP2) according to the Law on Fees for the Use of Public Goods “Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 95/2018, 49/2019, 86/2019 – harmonized din. Amount, 156/2020 – harmonized harmonized dinar amounts and 15/2021 – dop. harmonized dinar amounts and Decree on products that after use become special waste streams, the form of daily records on the quantity and type of manufactured and imported products and the annual report, the manner and deadlines for submitting the annual report, the taxpayers, the criteria for calculation, the amount and manner of calculation and payment of compensation (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 54/10, 86/11, 15/12, 41/13- other Rulebook, 3/14, 81/14 – other Rulebook, 31/15 – other Rulebook, 44/16 – Rulebook, 43/17 Rulebook, 45/18 – Rulebook, 67/18 – other law i 77/21).

  • The annual report on packaging and packaging waste in accordance with the Law on packaging and packaging Waste (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/2009 and 95/2018 – other law).

On this occasion, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is not much time left for the submission of the report, because the legal deadline is March 31st, of the current year for data from the previous year.