Due to the big interest, our company starts with the organization of a new training “Trader in the field of waste management.”
The main goal of the training is to acquire knowledge in the field of waste management in order to understand the rights, responsibilities and obligations defined by the regulations. In addition, the training will include a detailed introduction to the method and procedure of documentation management, records and submitting annual waste reports.
Responsibilities and obligations of various entities in the field of waste management are defined by the Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 36/09, 88/10, 14/16, 95/19 – other laws and 35/2023) and associated by-laws.
Responsibilities are defined by law:
Waste management is the implementation of prescribed measures for handling with waste within collecting, transport, storage, treatment, that is reuse and disposal of waste. In addition, the activities undertaken by the trader and the intermediary including the supervision of those activities and the care of the waste management facilities after closure…
Article 5 of the Law on Waste Management defines that a trader is any legal entity or entrepreneur who buys and sells waste on his own behalf, including traders who do not take possession of the waste. The same article defines that an intermediary is a legal entity or an entrepreneur who organizes the reuse or disposal of waste on behalf of other persons, including an intermediary who does not take possession of the waste.
The waste dealer is considered the owner of the waste he purchased and can take possession of the waste if he has a waste storage facility for which a permit has been issued in accordance with the Waste Management Act.
The activity of inter-mediation in waste management includes the tasks of organization of treatment, i.e. reuse and disposal of waste, i.e. mediation in the transfer of rights and obligations related to waste for the needs of others.
The intermediary, that is, the waste dealer, is obliged to register in the register of intermediaries in waste management, that is, waste dealers.